Simple search 2

Simple search has some advanced features that are very easy to use.

Tutorial learning objectives

Here’s a 13-step tutorial to get you started. You’ll learn the advanced features of simple search, with searches for:

  • phrases

  • proximity

  • must (not) include

  • fuzzy matches

  • wildcards

  • advanced grouping

Add extra power to your searches

In this tutorial we look at some more ways you can use simple search.

  1. From the main menu select Search

  2. Click the question mark icon to see the options we’ll explore in this tutorial.


Try the MUST include and MUST NOT include searches

  1. In the search box type two terms like this. Don’t include double quotes.


The plus symbol indicates that the term must be present.

  1. Run the search and check the results.

  2. In the search box type two terms like this. Don’t include double quotes.


The minus symbol indicates that the term must not be present.

  1. Run the search and check the results.

Try a search with advanced grouping

  1. Run a search with advanced grouping.
