
To connect Exonar to your data you need to set up:

  1. a user who:

    • has roles

    • belongs to security groups

  2. a dataset

  3. a data source

Setting up a user

In this section we set up a user, their roles, and their security groups.

If you’re logged in to the Exonar platform, you’re already a user.

To work with data you’ll need to have one or more roles and belong to one or more security groups.

  1. Make sure your permissions are correct

    1. Check your roles and security groups

    2. If you don’t have any roles or you don’t belong to any security groups, contact your System Administrator. You can’t change your own permissions.

  2. If you need to set up new accounts for people to work with data:

    1. Create a user account for them

      You can assign roles and security groups when you do this

  3. If you need to assign roles or security groups to existing users

    1. Edit the user’s roles and security groups

Setting up a dataset

Datasets are logical groups of data sources for display and access control purposes. A dataset takes data from one or more data sources. You can set up as many datasets as you want.

Typical names for datasets might be:

  • Admin

  • Contracts

  • Finance

  • IT

You can create a dataset when you’re creating a data source. Or you can do it now:

  1. From the main menu select Data Sources

  2. Click New…

    It’s below the main menu

  3. Click New Data Set

  4. In the New Data Set dialog, type the name of your dataset

  5. Click Add Data Set

Setting up a data source

Follow our notes on the data source you want to use:

Simple example

Confused? Don’t worry. Datasets and data sources really are easy to work with. Take a quick look at this example:

  1. You create a dataset called Finance

  2. You create an Office 365 Exchange data source and link it to your Finance dataset

  3. You create a SharePoint data source and link it to Finance too

Now any user who belongs to a security group that can access the Finance dataset can look at data from those two data sources.

more See also: Managing datasets and Managing data sources

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