Microsoft Exchange on Premise
You can connect to Exchange 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 on premise.
To create a new Microsoft Exchange data source, fill these fields.
Choose what you want to crawl
You can crawl:
the mailbox for an individual user
a set of mailboxes belonging to a set of users returned by an LDAP query
If you decide to use LDAP you might need to work with your network administrator or Exchange server administrator.
You can:
Set up your LDAP query start point
Set up your LDAP query filter
Configuring LDAP
You can specify the LDAP parameters that you want to use in a settings file. This is optional.
If you decide to use the settings file:
the parameters you specify in the settings file become the defaults every time you create a new Exchange on Premise data source.
at that time, you can accept them or override them.
our Support team will help you.
If you decide not to use the settings file:
you’ll need to set your LDAP parameters each time you define a new Exchange on Premise data source.
your network admin or Exchange admin should be able to help.
Create the data source in Exonar
From the main menu select Data Sources
Click New ⇾ New Data Source
In the New Data Source dialog, select the dataset this new data source will belong to by:
choosing an existing data set from the dropdown, or
clicking Add to new Data Set and typing the name of your dataset
If you use option 3b, remember to add the dataset to at least one security group. If you don’t, no users will be able to see the data from this data source.
Click Next
Select the data source and click Next
Enter the credentials and details for the data source and click Next
Common fields:
Exchange User
A user who has read access to the data you want to crawl and the ability to read mailboxes using Microsoft Identity Impersonation †. The Exchange User must have a valid mailbox.
Exchange Password
Password for the Exchange user.
If you specify mailbox, Exonar crawls just that mailbox. If you specify LDAP query, Exonar crawls all the mailboxes that match the results of the query.
† Therefore, we only support objects that are accessible through impersonation.
Fields when the target is a mailbox:
Exchange Protocol
Exchange Server
The IP address or fully qualified domain name of the target Exchange server.
Specify one mailbox to crawl. For example:
Fields when the target is defined by an LDAP query:
Use Exchange Details
Check this if you want to use the Exchange User as the Directory User.
Directory User
User name for the connection to the Active Directory Server.
Directory Password
Password for the Directory user.
Exchange Protocol
As above.
Exchange Server
As above.
Directory Server
The IP address or fully qualified domain name of the target Active Directory server.
LDAP Protocol
The protocol used by the LDAP server: LDAP or LDAPS.
The port that the LDAP server listens on. Defaults to the value specified in
Directory Search Base
For more information, see Microsoft Exchange: Directory Search Base. Defaults to the value specified in
Directory Filter
For more information, see Microsoft Exchange: directory filter. Defaults to the value specified in
Select the country for this data source and click Next
The country is used in geographical visualisations
Select the crawler
In Exonar 4.3.0 there are two crawlers; you will only see the crawler that works with this data source
Set the Crawl priority
Specify whether you want to crawl once or continuously
Click Start Crawl Immediately if you want to crawl the data right now
Or you can start a crawl manually anytime you want
Click Create Data Source
Earlier versions of Exchange can have technical problems when the load is very high. If you experience problems, reduce the crawl priority to 40%.
For posts in conversations, we do not extract:
the subject
the attachments
We do not extract:
journal items in the Journal folder
notes in the notes folder and sub folder
tasks in the tasks folder and sub folder
contact Message Class items in the Contacts folder
attachments from th Calendar
This is due to technical restrictions.
If you change a mailbox’s primary email address and then re-crawl the Exchange server, Exonar sees it as a new mailbox. Any data that you previously crawled will be removed from Exonar (along with all items’ associated tags).
To re-crawl the mailbox next time you run a crawl, remember that the new mailbox name must still be covered by the LDAP query. If the new name is no longer matched by the LDAP query, Exonar ignores the mailbox.
See also Microsoft Office 365 Exchange