What are metadata fields?
When you look at a item in Exonar you can see its metadata fields. There are more than 90 fields. For example:
the size of the file
the type of the file
a list of postal codes found in the file
a list of telephone numbers found in the file
Where does the metadata come from?
Some of this data is supplied by the data source itself. For example, every file has a file name.
Some fields are found when Exonar looks at the content of the file. For example, if the system finds a list of 16-digit numbers, it can look at the format to determine whether they might be credit card numbers.
There is one special metadata field: tags.
It’s a special field because YOU supply the values.
You can tag items with any values you like:
Paris office HR
Suspected credit card numbers
New starter form
File not modified for a very long time
Contains things that appear to be social security numbers
Tags are stored with the data in Exonar. We don’t write tags back to your original data source.