Files of size and type

There comes a point where anything of a given size becomes a risk of some description


“Lunch” by M&R Glasgow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Large Files of certain types should not be stored in network home drives”

The expected outcome from this recipe is a list of files in target locations which match a given kind of file and a file size.

  1. Crawl your data sources and assign them to datasets appropriately.

    Note: if you have a crawl set up for a directory on a home drive, you will not be able to crawl the root of the home drive; it will create two overlapping crawls.

  2. When you set up the advanced search for filetype, we recommend the Content Type field.

    The platform has inbuilt heuristics to detect the MIME file type of a file. These are well documented elsewhere, and work even when a file has been saved without a file extension or with a faked file extension, a common practice for those seeking to cover a trail. If this fails, you can still filter the filename based on the file extension.

  3. Set the threshold of the size of file.

  4. If you want to restrict the locations for a file in your search, you can do that now as well.

  5. The search results give you a list of files which meet the criteria. You can export them.

  6. To track progress over time, you can create a workflow from your advanced search.

    NOW Privacy's workflows run advanced searches on a query for you, and tag the results automatically.